Shakeology Review and Testimonial
I often get asked about 'those shakes' that I drink - so I thought I'd do a post about what Shakeology is and why I LOVE it.
So first things first - I am a LAZY person. I am in a constant battle against that fact, but it's the truth. Anything that helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle with minimal effort, I'm into. I can make a shake in less than 2 minutes in the morning, and I can take packets on the go and make it while traveling (which I do a lot of lately). I stay pretty busy, so knowing that I had at least one meal that is packed with nutrients is important to me.
When I started my challenge group in December, I was pretty skeptical about drinking Shakeology. I thought I'd get sick of it, thought I wouldn't like the taste, and didn't really see the point in drinking it. But it was part of the requirements, and I knew my coach wouldn't lead me astray, since she'd been through what I was going through. Now, I never miss a day. I actually think of Shakeology as my reward for finishing a workout every morning.
Positive side effects:
1. Increase in energy
2. My skin cleared up (probably a side effect of clean eating as well)
3. Keeps me full for 2-3 hours (due to the carb to protein ratio - it's NOT just a protein shake)
4. Improved digestion
5. Curbs cravings for sweets
What is Shakeology?
Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. It's good for you, and good for everyone, because everyone's diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving.
Protein from whey, which is highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.
Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.
Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.
Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.
Flavor Review
I started out with Vanilla because I thought it would be the most versatile for recipes, and I stand by that decision. Vanilla is my main flavor: I love it plain with water or almond milk, and I love making recipes with it as well. I tried the Chocolate and Strawberry recently, and I have to admit I've been cheating on Vanilla with Chocolate! I'll be honest with you, I don't love Strawberry. I know a lot of people were crazy excited when that flavor was introduced earlier this year, and they really love it. For me, it's not a favorite, but I have made a couple recipes with it that I liked.
I loved this video about Shakeology: See Why 100 Doctors Recommend Shakeology
Ways to Try Shakeology
1. Message me about trying Shakeology and I can help you find a flavor you like.
1. Message me about trying Shakeology and I can help you find a flavor you like.
2. You can purchase a week's worth of samples from me to try out Shakeology and see if it's the right fit for you for $35.
3. You can purchase a Shakeology cleanse for $55 to jump start your weight loss program or break a plateau.
4. You can sign up for Shakeology HD (home direct) which gives your free shipping and automatically ships your Shakes to you each month. You can cancel at any time with no questions asked. There is also a 30 day money back bottom of the bag guarantee. If for any reason you do not like the shake you can return the empty bag for a full refund.
3. You can purchase a Shakeology cleanse for $55 to jump start your weight loss program or break a plateau.
4. You can sign up for Shakeology HD (home direct) which gives your free shipping and automatically ships your Shakes to you each month. You can cancel at any time with no questions asked. There is also a 30 day money back bottom of the bag guarantee. If for any reason you do not like the shake you can return the empty bag for a full refund.
5. You can purchase Shakeology in the bag or 24 individual serving sizes, both are the same price. With individual serving sizes you can have an assortment of Greenberry and Chocolate, Chocolate and Vanilla, Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate, and Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry.
What do you get for your purchase of Shakeology HD?
Your first Shakeology order not only comes with a month's supply...
You receive a calendar of 30 different ways to make each flavor.
You receive free shipping when you sign up for Home Direct.
You not only get a shake but you get a nutrient rich meal that you do not have to worry about creating yourself!